Hi! I'm Maximilian.

Software Engineer, History Enthusiast, and User of Oxford Commas.

Location Potsdam, Germany

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About Me

Baily Lighthouse, Howth, Dublin, Ireland.

Currently, I work on cloud-native enterprise apps at Itacs in Berlin.

Previously, I helped building a cross-platform social tool for gamers in a secretive Berlin-based startup and Germany's largest cloud solution for schools at HPI Schul-Cloud, a government-funded research project turned startup at Hasso Plattner Institute Potsdam, Germany.

I have completed my studies at Hasso Plattner Institute in Potsdam, Germany in 2018. During the work on my Master's thesis at the Information Systems Chair, I developed a novel algorithm for conditional functional dependency (CFD) discovery.

My professional experience includes medium-size and large-size company experience as working student, and multiple university projects with external business partners. I am certified as MongoDB developer, however it is not the only database system I am comfortable with. Currently, I enjoy full-stack (Type|Java)Script, C#, and web apps, but I have worked on Python, Dart, and Java projects in the past and believe in the best-tool-for-the-job philosophy.

I invite you to find out more on my LinkedIn profile and to contact me there.

© Maximilian Grundke,